I've been experimenting with 'shell/pipeline' on windows and post some
tests and example results here in case they are of use to others:
- basic examples demonstrating windows external commands,
- basic examples demonstrating windows internal commands with standard
- basic examples demonstrating windows internal commands with 'new'
powershell.cmd shell,
- a more complex example showing a command pipeline using powershell
commands to do sed-like and grep-like operations.




Examples using Windows external commands:

#lang racket/base

; windows-pipeline-1.rkt - basic windows commands with output to stdout and

(require shell/pipeline)

; run racket, do arithmetic
(run-pipeline '(racket -e "(+ 41 1)") )

; run java, get java version
(run-pipeline '(java -version) )

; run where, find location of windows where.exe on path
(run-pipeline '(where where) )

; run where, find location of windows cmd.exe on path
(run-pipeline '(where cmd) )

Example execution from Windows command prompt:

C:\home\racket\shell>racket windows-pipeline-1.rkt >
windows-pipeline-1.rkt.out 2>&1

C:\home\racket\shell>type windows-pipeline-1.rkt.out
java version "1.8.0_102"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_102-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.102-b14, mixed mode)

Examples using Windows internal commands, i.e. commands built-in to the
cmd.exe shell:

#lang racket/base

; windows-pipeline-2.rkt - basic windows internal (cmd.exe) commands with
output to stdout and stderr

(require shell/pipeline)

; note: run cmd.exe with /c switch to terminate cmd.exe after executing the
given command, i.e. terminate without needing to execute the 'exit' command

; run windows cmd.exe shell, run internal 'dir' command to get directory
listing of the root of C: drive
(run-pipeline '(cmd /c dir C:\\) )

; run windows cmd.exe shell, run internal 'set' command to the get a
complete listing of the environment variables and their values
(run-pipeline '(cmd /c set) )

; run windows cmd.exe shell, run internal 'echo' command to send arguments
to standard out
(run-pipeline '(cmd /c echo hello world) )

; run windows cmd.exe shell, run internal 'path' command to get the value
of the PATH environment variable
(run-pipeline '(cmd /c path) )

; run windows cmd.exe shell, run internal 'echo' command to get the value
of the PATH environment variable
(run-pipeline '(cmd /c echo %PATH%) )

Example execution from Windows command prompt:

C:\home\racket\shell>racket windows-pipeline-2.rkt >
windows-pipeline-2.rkt.out 2>&1

C:\home\racket\shell>type windows-pipeline-2.rkt.out

 Volume in drive C is Windows
 Volume Serial Number is 4A0E-59A3

 Directory of C:\

05/06/2016  10:53 PM    <DIR>          Analytics
07/06/2015  09:57 AM    <DIR>          Brother
09/14/2015  07:49 AM    <DIR>          cygwin64
01/08/2016  05:00 PM    <DIR>          data
11/04/2015  02:18 PM           321,531 DUMP38fa.tmp
09/20/2016  02:51 PM    <DIR>          home
12/22/2014  07:04 PM    <DIR>          Intel
07/02/2015  01:19 PM    <DIR>          OSGeo4W64
07/13/2009  09:20 PM    <DIR>          PerfLogs
08/28/2016  08:48 PM    <DIR>          Program Files
09/20/2016  09:21 AM    <DIR>          Program Files (x86)
09/09/2015  05:50 PM    <DIR>          Python27
11/12/2015  01:16 PM    <DIR>          Python27_64
08/29/2016  02:47 PM    <DIR>          SWSETUP
09/20/2016  09:02 AM    <DIR>          tools
06/19/2015  02:41 PM    <DIR>          Users
08/02/2015  02:12 PM    <DIR>          wamp
09/14/2016  11:48 AM    <DIR>          Windows
09/07/2016  07:35 PM                42 windows-version.txt
               2 File(s)        321,573 bytes
              17 Dir(s)  366,015,729,664 bytes free
CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files


hello world
Files (x86)\...

Files (x86)\...


Examples using Windows powershell shell:

#lang racket/base

; windows-pipeline-3.rkt - basic windows internal (powershell.exe) commands
with output to stdout and stderr

(require shell/pipeline)

; note: run powershell.exe with /Command switch to terminate powershell.exe
after executing the given command, i.e. terminate without needing to
execute the 'exit' command

; run windows external command 'where.exe', find location of windows
powershell.exe on path
(run-pipeline '(where powershell) )

; run windows powershell.exe shell, run internal 'echo' command to get the
value of the arguments to standard out
(run-pipeline '(powershell /Command "& {echo Hello World}") )

; run windows powershell.exe shell, run internal 'write-output' command
(run-pipeline '(powershell /Command "& {write-output "test output"}") )

; run windows powershell.exe shell, run internal 'write-output' command to
get the list of running processes - similar to unix 'ps'
(run-pipeline '(powershell /Command "& {$p = get-process; write-output
$p;}") )

Example execution from Windows command prompt:

C:\home\racket\shell>racket windows-pipeline-3.rkt >
windows-pipeline-3.rkt.out 2>&1

C:\home\racket\shell>type windows-pipeline-3.rkt.out

Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K) VM(M)   CPU(s)     Id ProcessName

-------  ------    -----      ----- -----   ------     -- -----------

     78       9     2800       3052    86     2.57   1076 AccelerometerSt

    163      10     7324       8220   574     0.50   1200 bash

    192      23    42140      48632   228   525.05   3184 chrome

    181      22    35228      27380   216     2.20   3944 chrome

    168       9     1496       3276    66     0.12   4608 chrome

    187      22    36600      28572   214     1.37   5304 chrome

    267      27    35896      30700   306     1.72   5708 chrome

    284      30    62344      56520   334   103.52   5740 chrome

   1508     101    69124      86340   408   136.67   2768 explorer

   1156     110   335276     389796   936 1,722.89   2124 firefox

      0       0        0         24     0               0 Idle

    384      27     8976      11068    91            1940 spoolsv

    797      35    31096      23580   135             580 svchost

     80      10     1672       2524    48             668 wininit

    118       9     3196       5396    57             960 winlogon



Examples using Windows command pipelines that include the powershell shell
to mimic some basic *nix utilities:

#lang racket/base

; windows-pipeline-4.rkt - examples of command pipelines that include
powershell.exe commands

(require shell/pipeline)

; note: run cmd.exe with /C switch to terminate cmd.exe after executing the
given command, i.e. terminate without needing to execute the 'exit' command
; note: run powershell.exe with /Command switch to terminate powershell.exe
after executing the given command, i.e. terminate without needing to
execute the 'exit' command

; a 3-component chain:
; run windows internal cmd.exe command 'path' to get the contents of the
environment variable PATH, send to a powershell to split on ';', send to
another powershell to look for the case insensitive string 'system'
(run-pipeline '(cmd /c path) '(powershell /Command "$Input -split ';'")
'(powershell /Command "$Input | select-string -pattern 'system'") )

; a 3-component chain:
; run windows internal cmd.exe command 'path' to get the contents of the
environment variable PATH, send to a powershell to split on ';', send to
another powershell to look for the case sensitive string 'system'
(run-pipeline '(cmd /c path) '(powershell /Command "$Input -split ';'")
'(powershell /Command "$Input | select-string -pattern 'system'
-casesensitive") )

; for completeness the same command in one powershell step:
; run windows internal powershell.exe command to get the 'path' environment
variable, split on ';', select only those with case sensitive string
(run-pipeline '(powershell /Command "$Env:path | %{$_.split(';')} |
select-string -pattern 'system' -casesensitive") )

Example execution from Windows command prompt:

C:\home\racket\shell>racket windows-pipeline-4.rkt >
windows-pipeline-4.rkt.out 2>&1

C:\home\racket\shell>type windows-pipeline-4.rkt.out




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