I am working through Realm of Racket chapter 5, last exercise was: Find an 
image of a locomotive and create an animation which wraps around to the left 
side of the screen after passing the right margin.

I have a solution which is below, but have some questions:

1. Is the solution below a reasonable one?  How could I have done it better?

2. I don't really understand what is happening with the big-bang on-tick.  The 
big-bang function is passed 50 as the initial state.  Does the big-bang 
function somehow internally keep the state variable cached and then it gets 
updated by the change-state function.  That bit seems a little confusing to me. 
 Or should I just read more of the book until it is clearer?

My background is imperative languages, eg C, C++, Java, python, etc.  Not sure 
if that helps.

My solution to problem:

#lang racket
(require 2htdp/universe 2htdp/image)

(define LOCO-IMAGE <loco-image-here>)

(define WIDTH 800)
(define HEIGHT 200)

(define (change-state current-state)
    [(>= current-state 750) 0]
    [else (+ current-state 3)]))

(define (draw-a-ufo-onto-an-empty-scene current-state)
  (place-image LOCO-IMAGE current-state (/ HEIGHT 2)
               (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT)))

(big-bang 50 
          (on-tick change-state)
          (to-draw draw-a-ufo-onto-an-empty-scene))

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