I am currently trying to use racket/tcp library in a TR program and used 
require/typed to import the necessary functions as I could not find this 
provided with TR by default. However, the following code has a problem when it 

#lang typed/racket

(require/typed racket/tcp
               [opaque TCP-Listener tcp-listener?]
               [tcp-listen (-> Number TCP-Listener)]
               [tcp-accept (-> TCP-Listener (Values Number Number))])

(: server (-> Number Void))
(define (server port)
  (let ([listener (tcp-listen port)])
    (define-values (inp outp) (tcp-accept listener))
    (displayln inp)
    (displayln outp)))

The code compiles fine but while running the "server" function with a valid 
port it errors out:

 tcp-listen: broke its own contract
  promised: tcp-listener?
  produced: #<tcp-listener>
  in: (-> any/c tcp-listener?)
  contract from: (interface for tcp-listen)
  blaming: (interface for tcp-listen)
   (assuming the contract is correct)
  at: unsaved-editor:5.16

I am not sure what exactly this error message means as tcp-listener is creating 
a valid listener as given by "produced: #<tcp-listener>" but still the 
predicate seems to be failing. The program runs fine with #lang racket. Any 


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