> On Oct 21, 2016, at 12:42 PM, Tony Garnock-Jones <to...@ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> On 10/21/2016 01:21 AM, 'John Clements' via Racket Users wrote:
>> I thought hard about scribble and JSON (and xml, yecch), but I think 
>> that YAML and sexps are the two viable candidates, and I’m guessing 
>> that if non-programmers have to edit it, they’ll be less likely to 
>> botch the YAML one.
> If it's a choice between the two then RUN, do not walk, away from YAML
> and go for sexps. (XML or JSON would also be OK choices.)
> YAML is never the right choice. (In writing this email, I have gone over
> it several times toning down my language.)
> YAML makes XML look simple, elegant and well-designed. The spec is ~80
> pages long. I find it impossible to predict how a YAML processor will
> interpret any given input.
> You know how Excel guesses whether things are dates or not and messes
> things up as a consequence? YAML does that too.
> The "spec" vaguely suggests that applications should use regular
> expressions to take a guess at what type of information is presented in
> a non-explicitly-tagged field. What if there are multiple possible
> interpretations? The spec doesn't help you. No, it explicitly disavows
> responsibility for such weighty decisions, pointing out that ultimately,
> "tag resolution is specific to the application". It's a mess.
> There's room for something that does what YAML aims to do, but YAML
> isn't it.

Interesting. I’m trying to wiggle out of your argument, but it’s fairly 
persuasive. Many thanks for your info. Sigh.


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