Hey all,

I noticed that the following program fails to run, but only after its been
compiled (on 6.7, 6.6 and earlier don't seem to have this issue):


#lang racket/base ;; ill-formed.rkt
(define ill
  (let ((base (string-append "a")))
    (λ () base)))

To get the error, run:

$ raco make ill-formed.rkt
$ racket ill-formed.rkt
?? 0
compiled/ill-formed_rkt.zo::369: read (compiled): ill-formed code

This error doesn't seem to happen if `string-append` is replaced with
various other functions that create strings (or just string literals), and
it seems to go away if the function is inlined.

I'm not entirely sure what's causing this bug yet, but it appears to either
be a bug in the versifier, or a new optimization. Has anyone else seen
something like this recently? (If not I'll update the list once I get a
sense as to what is going on.)

~Leif Andersen

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