At Sun, 4 Mar 2018 20:01:56 -0800, Alexis King wrote:
> While it’s a bit of a tangent, I’d be quite interested to finding more
> information on this alternate model of hygiene from anyone familiar with
> the tradeoffs (the SRFI that describes it does not include much in the
> way of comparisons). Are there strong reasons to prefer Racket’s model
> aside from backwards compatibility and mild convenience when
> procedurally assembling pieces of syntax?

Adding to Ryan's answer, I note that Andre van Tonder's SRFI-72 system
has `quasisyntax` is a primitive. That is,

  #`(x #,y x)

is not like

 (datum->syntax #'here (list #'x y #'x))

because the scope introduced by a `quasisyntax` spans the whole
`quasisyntax` form and causes nested `syntax` forms to not introduce a
fresh scope.

Is `quasisyntax` special enough to be built in? What about other
syntactic forms that would be naturally implemented with multiple
`syntax` (or `quote-syntax`) forms?

Looking back, I see that SRFI-72 at one point included a
`with-fresh-renaming-scope` operation that very close to (or maybe
exactly) what I had in mind by "applying a fresh scope to a textual
region of syntax literals":

To me, that seems like a way to pull the specialness out of `syntax`
and `quasisyntax`, although it also seems inconvenient to have to write
`with-fresh-renaming-scope` explicitly (which that connects to Ryan's
comments on `syntax-protect`).

But I haven't looked in detail, and I may be mixing things up. You may
find something in the SRFI-72 discussion on why that direction was

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