On Monday, March 5, 2018 at 6:36:09 PM UTC, Alexis King wrote:
> I will say this, however: while I have developed over the years a 
> strong intuition for how Racket macros operate, when I was learning the 
> system for the first time, I did not find some parts of the hygiene 
> terribly intuitive.

I am new to both Racket and Scheme in general. When I learned about Scheme's
hygienic macros, my (incorrect) understanding has always been close to André
van Tonder’s system. I have been programming with this mental modal for 
and only upon reading this discussion did I realize both R6RS and Racket 
systems disagree with my mental modal.

I find the existing macro system easier to understand and use, but I am
concerned that it may introduce unintentional symbol collisions. From a
programmer's perspective, care must be taken when using phase-1 functions, 
gensym or others must be used to avoid unintended symbol collision. The
situation seems to be similar to that of using unhygienic macros. The 
seems to be a fundamental one, and syntax/parse is only one instance arising
from this problem.

I recently started switching my projects to Racket because I find it 
and elegant. I sincerely hope Racket to move in a good direction -- whatever
that means.

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