> On Mar 20, 2018, at 11:51 PM, Alex Knauth <alexan...@knauth.org> wrote:
>> On Mar 19, 2018, at 11:37 AM, David Storrs <david.sto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This does not work:
>> (define user (hash 'name  "bob" 'job (hash 'type 'dev 'id 112)))
>> (match user
>>  [(hash-table ('name name) ('job (hash-table 'type type 'id id)))
>>   (displayln name)
>>   (displayln type)
>>   (displayln id)])
>> ; id49: unbound identifier;
>> ;  also, no #%top syntax transformer is bound
>> ;   in: id49
>> ; [,bt for context]
> Jos Koot already found the problem, but why is this error message so 
> horrible? This seems like a bug in match.

By the way, this is the same error message as this issue:

#lang racket
(match (list 1 1)
  [(list-no-order x x)
... signals the error

x7: unbound identifier;
 also, no #%top transformer is bound in: x7
Since `hash-table` patterns turn into `list-no-order` patterns, there problem 
are two problems that combine to make this:
 - the secret feature of `hash-table` makes it mean something you never meant
 - `list-no-order` never checks for duplicate identifiers to throw a proper 
error message

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