I don't think I mentioned newsletter before but I did raise the issue of 
missing date-added in packages before - my expertise is in data 
usefulness/usability so it really hurts my feelings ;)

I agree about hidden gems I stumble upon by pure chance. 
>From time to time I try to search pkgs site for new tag - but this is 
tedious and because of date-added problem it also includes updated packages 
(and that includes the "subpackages" like *-doc, *-test, *-lib) which 
muddies the water even further.
I can't help much with packages as a concept (because I don't fully 
understand all the implications of package management) but I can help with 
what we can do with the information extracted.

As to the newsletter - I remember Julia lang listing new packages on their 
website with a chart showing how many were added each month - now they are 
doing it in the form of newsletter - here is the content of the most recent 
one: https://juliacomputing.com/blog/2019/01/04/january-newsletter.html

Some ideas:
1. Add "date-added" to meta data on packages
2. Sort out the subpackages issue (at least for display on website and 
making it identifiable in the meta data)
3. Automatically post info to Racket Users Group when a new package (not 
subpackages though) with description, docs and tests implemented is added.
4. Add "intro-post.scrbl" for authors to introduce their packages. This 
after approval could be posted as a blog post and a blog post automatically 
advertised on twitter. This could help authors advertise their packages and 
encourage to bring more goodies.
5. Simple version of #4: use readme.md as a content for blog post if 
6. Provide statistics on new and updated packages.
7. Make it easy/clear on how to contribute to racket blog (how to post) and 
that it is welcomed.
8. Racket outreach - invite racket users to write a blog posts, recent 
example: I would like to hear from guys from https://fractalide.com/ on 
their use of racket.
9. Take the burden for the marketing of racket from the core Racket team - 
their contribution is much more valuable in other areas. How? I have no 
idea :) But maybe by things like #7 it will be easier to get other people 
on board.

That's all for now.


On Saturday, January 12, 2019 at 11:10:42 AM UTC+1, Paulo Matos wrote:
> On 11/01/2019 17:23, Greg Trzeciak wrote: 
> > What would be really neat if https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/ would 
> include 
> > date-added to all the packages. This way one could create automatic list 
> > of newly added packages and let's say distribute it in the newsletter 
> Which newsletter are you referring to here? 
> I had been thinking of getting a Racket Newsletter out of the ground but 
> haven't come around to it yet. Have you discussed previously something 
> in this direction? If so, I would like to help. 
> If not, maybe we can open a discussion around this theme. Do people find 
> it interesting/useful? One of the things that made me think about this 
> was that regularly I find little library gems in the Racket world that I 
> wouldn't find otherwise so maybe a newsletter that highlights one of 
> these one every two weeks or so would be great. Another thing it would 
> be useful for is to highlight recent Racket developments, new libraries, 
> libraries requiring a maintainer, etc. 
> -- 
> Paulo Matos 

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