Dear all,

I recently wanted to count the number of primes in the sequences 2^n+3
and 2^n-3 (and a few more besides) where n is a positive integer.

After a while I realised that I had no real idea how to do this in racket /
scheme.  I think part of my problem is that I really think of the problem in an
imperative way, i.e. "for each n check whether 2^n+3 is prime and if so add one
to a count".

The program at the bottom of my email is what I came up with.  I hope it is
clear.  I think a more idiomatic racket approach would be to use the for
looping construct but I couldn't quite figure out how to make this do what I

I can imagine improving the below by modifying the count-primes-in-seq
procedure to take several "formulas" so I can deal with several sequences at
once.  However, the code below is quite slow even just for one sequence so I
imagine that a different approach entirely is what is needed.

So, my question is this: how would you more experienced racketeers write code
for something like this?

I quickly threw together a naive program in Python (a language I'm not too
familiar with either) and it was faster to write and runs quicker.  However, to
be quite honest, I am fonder of racket and would rather just get better at
writing racket code for the little things I need to do.

Any guidance is appreciated.

#lang racket

(require math/number-theory)

(define (count-primes-in-seq formula bound)
  (let loop ([n 0]
             [c 0])
    (let ([k (formula n)])
        [(> n bound)
        [(and (positive? k) (prime? k))
         (loop [+ n 1] [+ c 1])]
          (loop [+ n 1] c)]))))

(define bound 1000)

; Primes of the form 2^n-3
  (λ (n) (- (expt 2 n) 3))

; Primes of the form 2^n+3
  (λ (n) (+ (expt 2 n) 3))

Bob Heffernan

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