Hi all,

I have gone through https://docs.racket-lang.org/web-server/test.html to 
finally stop manually checking whether I didn't introduce new bugs in one 
of my servlets. I think that I have figured out most of the wrinkles for 
this, except one. 

I run my tests via `raco test server.rkt`, and server.rkt has the following 

(require web-server/test web-server/servlet ...)

(define (start request)
  (define-values (top-dispatch top-urls)
      [("") home]
      [("login") #:method (or "post" "get") log-in]
      [("mp") #:method (or "post" "get") mp]

  (top-dispatch request))

(module+ main
  (serve/servlet start ...))

(module+ test
  (define (test-start-servlet)

    (define experiment-servlet-tester
      (make-servlet-tester start))

    ; Test all the routes. This only tests that they don't raise exceptions
    (define routes 
        '()                   ; Tests "/"

    (for ([route routes])
      (check-not-exn (λ () (apply experiment-servlet-tester route))))

    (define matrix-servlet-tester
      (make-servlet-tester (λ (req)
                              (matrix req #:h (hash 'mturk-id "TESTER")))))


    (displayln "All pages render without exception"))


The meat of what is going on is in the test module at the end. I create a 
servlet-tester for the start servlet, which uses a dispatcher, and since I 
have a bunch of routes I go through them in a for-loop. However, even 
though the "/login" route throws an exception, the (test-start-servlet) 
code is happily marching on, checks the "/mp" route, and then prints "All 
pages render without exception". And raco test tells me that all the tests 
are passing!

How do I know that there is an exn? Because it prints the following right 
before the test results:

Servlet (@ /372d34a3-df04-478f-8d84-94fb212725c2) exception:
>: contract violation
  expected: real?
  given: #<sql-null>
  argument position: 1st
  other arguments...:

So, what is going on here? Clearly test-servet does some exception catching 
in between, yet it still prints it to the screen? How can I test for this, 
since I want to know how many and which pages blow up?

Also, when I want to test matrix at the end, I have to pass it an extra 
argument. Is it the right way of passing in the argument by defining a new 
servlet where I set the argument to some fixed value, as I do above via: 

(define matrix-servlet-tester
      (make-servlet-tester (λ (req)
                              (matrix req #:h (hash 'mturk-id "TESTER")))))

It seems to work, but I am wondering if I can pass arguments directly to 
`make-servlet-tester`, but I couldn't figure out how.


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