On 9/26/2019 5:45 AM, Marc Kaufmann wrote:
Thanks for clearing this up. If I understand correctly, the following happens:

- the servlet raises an exception
- this is caught by the default exception handler
- it prints the traceback and exception message to standard output which I see (and which made me realize an exception had been raised), and it passes the response to the servlet-tester. However, the exception didn't bubble up to check-not-exn

Since I can't turn off the exception handling of the servlets, I have to look at the output to find that an exception was thrown. Could I pass a different exception-handler to the test-servlet, which would return something easier (and more robust) to check whether an exception was thrown or not? Or should I bundle the servlet into a lambda for this, and have an exception-handler in that lambda that simply outputs "exception-raised" or some such? Otherwise I can of course parse the output, but that seems a little more error-prone.

I vector every URL through a common dispatch routine that catches exceptions from the handlers and sends proper errors back to the client.   Of course this means I (you) can't use the ready-made dispatch machinery provided by web-server.

I wrote my own dispatcher routine, but there may be a way to do it working with web-server.  I was under some time constraints when I did this so I didn't have the opportunity to delve into it too deeply.  And once it worked, inertia took over and I reused the code. <shrug>


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