That actually solves a bunch of problems for me… but strangely, not the initial 
one. If, for instance, I tabify

(+      3

using the tabify-all method, the line with the four gets an indentation of 2, 
not 8. This is definitely different from DrRacket’s behavior.

Any idea how to fix this?

(cc:ing racket-users without permission, hope that’s okay?)


> On Mar 20, 2020, at 12:05 PM, John Clements <> wrote:
> Ah! That’s probably a better solution, I’ll just do that. I searched for 
> “indent”, should I try to add that as a search term for the “tabify-all” 
> method?
> Many thanks!
> (Also, sending mail to the list using “” seems to be 
> broken right now for me, sigh.)
> John
>> On Mar 20, 2020, at 12:01 PM, Robby Findler <> 
>> wrote:
>> I'm not sure of the details but did you consider just inserting it
>> into a racket:text% and then calling the tabify-all method?
>> Robby
>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 1:26 PM John Clements <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hmm… followup problem. If I try to indent the string “#|\nabc\n|#” (that 
>>> is, a block comment), the compute-racket-amount-to-indent method returns 
>>> #f. Is this a bug, or just undocumented behavior?
>>> John
>>>> On Mar 20, 2020, at 10:41 AM, John Clements <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I’m writing code to help me grade exams, and one of the issues I’ve run 
>>>> into is that the code coming out of the LMS is all totally unindented. So, 
>>>> for instance, a student’s response might read:
>>>> ;Closures help a function value remember what substitutions have already 
>>>> been applied to it.
>>>> '{vars {{x {lam {x} {+ 1 x}}}
>>>> {y {lam {y} {+ 3 y}}}}
>>>> {+ {x 2} {y 4}}}
>>>> Obviously, it would be a lot easier to grade that if it was indented.
>>>> Excellent! A chance to whip up a quick-and-dirty auto-indenter, using 
>>>> DrRacket’s indentation framework. Specifically, the 
>>>> `compute-racket-amount-to-indent` method of racket:text<%>.
>>>> I’m pleased to report almost total success, aside from one strange 
>>>> off-by-one error that I’m looking for help with.  To see it, here’s the 
>>>> result of my auto-indenter on the prior block:
>>>> '{vars {{x {lam {x} {+ 1 x}}}
>>>>      {y {lam {y} {+ 3 y}}}}
>>>>    {+ {x 2} {y 4}}}
>>>> (if you’re viewing this in a proportional-width font, that’s going to look 
>>>> terrible, sorry.)
>>>> The issue is that the final plus line isn’t lined up with the curly-brace 
>>>> that’s two chars after the end of `vars`… instead, it’s one character to 
>>>> the left.
>>>> A much simpler test case is simply running on “(+ 3\n4)”. Rather than 
>>>> getting the 4 lined up with the 3, I get it one character to the left.
>>>> And… uh oh. A more illuminating test case occurs when I run my code on “(+ 
>>>>      3\n4)”. That is, I put a bunch more spaces before the 3. After 
>>>> indentation, the 4 is still only indented by two characters. So it looks 
>>>> like the `compute-racket-amount-to-indent` method is not looking for the 
>>>> token following the first one following the paren in the prior line (which 
>>>> would account for all the spaces), but just adding one to the last 
>>>> position of the first token following the paren. This makes me wonder 
>>>> whether DrRacket actually uses this method to indent.
>>>> Hmm.
>>>> Well, here’s the code to reproduce this. Note that there’s an obvious 
>>>> bug/assumption in that my code doesn’t account for any existing leading 
>>>> spaces on a line, but none of my examples have leading spaces following 
>>>> newlines.
>>>> Advice appreciated!
>>>> John
>>>> #lang racket
>>>> (require framework)
>>>> ;; given a string of racket text, return the corresponding indented string
>>>> (define (string-indent text-to-indent)
>>>> (define t (new racket:text%))
>>>> (send t erase)
>>>> (send t insert text-to-indent 0)
>>>> (define num-paragraphs (add1 (send t last-paragraph)))
>>>> (define indents
>>>>  (for/list ([n (in-range num-paragraphs)])
>>>>    (define par-start (send t paragraph-start-position n))
>>>>    (list par-start
>>>>          (send t compute-racket-amount-to-indent
>>>>                par-start
>>>>                head-sexp-type))))
>>>> ;; NB: OBVIOUSLY WRONG, assumes all lines start with zero leading spaces:
>>>> ;; act in reverse order, to avoid messing up the meaning of char posns:
>>>> (for ([indent (in-list (reverse indents))])
>>>>  (send t set-position (first indent))
>>>>  (define space-string
>>>>    (list->string (for/list ([i (in-range (second indent))]) #\space)))
>>>>  (send t insert space-string))
>>>> (send t get-text))
>>>> ;; for now, always return 'other
>>>> (define (head-sexp-type str)
>>>> 'other)
>>>> (define text-to-indent
>>>> #<<|
>>>> ;Closures help a function value remember what substitutions have already 
>>>> been applied to it.
>>>> '{vars {{x {lam {x} {+ 1 x}}}
>>>> {y {lam {y} {+ 3 y}}}}
>>>> {+ {x 2} {y 4}}}
>>>> |
>>>> )
>>>> (displayln (string-indent text-to-indent))
>>>> (displayln (string-indent "
>>>> (+ 3
>>>> 4)"))
>>>> (module+ test
>>>> (require rackunit)
>>>> (check-equal? (string-indent "
>>>> (+ 3
>>>> 4)")
>>>>              "
>>>> (+ 3
>>>> 4)")
>>>> (check-equal? (string-indent "
>>>> (+  3
>>>> 4)")
>>>>              "
>>>> (+  3
>>>>  4)")
>>>> (check-equal? (string-indent "
>>>> (+        3
>>>> 4)")
>>>>              "
>>>> (+        3
>>>>        4)"))

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