Hi all,

I don't understand the error message here. The parser seems to be looking for a position-token but the lexer is sending srcloc-tokens? Is there a simple fix? Using Racket 7.7 on WIn 10.

I am also confused about whether to use br-parser-tools or parser-tools package. br-* is the more recent?



#lang racket

(require br-parser-tools/lex)
(require br-parser-tools/yacc)

(define-empty-tokens etoks (ZERO ONE EOF))

(define simple-lex
   ["0" (token-ZERO)]
   ["1" (token-ONE)]
   [(eof) (token-EOF)]

(define (err-proc tok-ok? tok-name tok-value start-pos end-pos)
  (display "Ugghh!"))

(define simple-parse
   (tokens etoks)
   (start S)
   (end EOF)
   (error err-proc)
    (S [(ONE ZERO) 'OK])

(define (make-scanner ip [path #f])
  (λ () (simple-lex ip)))

(simple-parse (make-scanner (open-input-string "01")))

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