I don't think you should assume I have a *good* reason for using yacc over brag. I just thought that in my case it would be easier to put some code in the productions rather than build a full parse tree and then process that. I seem to have been wrong about that. I will take another look at brag.

On 6/8/2020 11:00 PM, Matthew Butterick wrote:
`br-parser-tools` has some patches needed to make `brag` work, e.g., using the srcloc structure. I forked rather than patch the underlying `parser-tools` package because I didn't want to destroy the fragile ancient artifact. I fixed a few bugs; the others persist. I notice, for example, that your program fails to work regardless of whether it uses `br-parser-tools` or `parser-tools`. (I'm assuming here you have a good reason to use good old `yacc` and not `brag`, which does mostly the same thing, less painfully)

On 08 Jun 20, at 9:29 PM, Jon Stenerson <jonstener...@comcast.net <mailto:jonstener...@comcast.net>> wrote:

Thanks for confirming. I had actually started with the lexer-src-pos version but had other problems like exn:fail:read wanting a list of srclocs and the lexer only having positions. So I switched to lexer-srcpos which fixed the exception but broke the parse. Maybe I should do a conversion between positions and srclocs at some point? Seems awkward.

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