On Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 12:40 PM Hendrik Boom <hend...@topoi.pooq.com>

> On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 09:46:21AM -0600, Tim Meehan wrote:
> I found a book by Dick Grune et al to be somewhat lighter than the dragon
> book.  Looking online, I discoered I was thinking of the first edition.  I
> haven't seen the second edition, but I'd guess the second edition would be
> similar, though it has rather more material:
> https://dickgrune.com/Books/MCD_1st_Edition/
> https://dickgrune.com/Books/MCD_2nd_Edition/
> When I saw the first edition, I decided that if I were teaching an
> introductory course in compilers, I would use it as textbook.
I've been fond of


for a while as a "soup to nuts" overview of computation from the NAND gate
up through a simple computer, a simplified assembly language, assembler,
compiler, VM, and so on. It's not an advanced text, but it does provide a
hands-on bottom-to-top view of the computational world that can help orient
someone who is exploring the space.

It's also why I keep wondering when I'm going to break down and pick up a
little FPGA board for myself and just play. :)


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