Hi George,
> [For those about to object: yes, Scheme has a formal denotational definition 
> in contrast to the many languages that are operationally defined by 
> (relatively) informal description of behavior combined with a "reference" 
> implementation. Consider that Scheme's denotational spec is describing the 
> behavior of an abstract machine, and that Scheme implementations are 
> realizations of the machine.]

I was very surprised to learn about this, I always assumed Scheme was 
"officially" defined with operational semantics.
But you are right, the r7rs small contains the description of the denotational 
Although the domains are not defined excplicitly.
November 25, 2020 6:26 AM, "George Neuner" <gneun...@comcast.net 
On 11/24/2020 7:34 PM, Tim Meehan wrote:Some Schemes allow you to compile to a 
(self-hosting?) executable (Chicken {via C}, Chez, Racket, others?). Some do 
not (Guile, others?), but compile to bytecode.Why would a group of developers 
choose one over the other? Or is the end result not that different in either 
The reason for creating stand-alone executables is to be able to run programs 
in environments where the language tools are not, or cannot be, installed. For 
security reasons, many companies do not permit installing programming tools.

However, creating stand-alone executables is rather unrelated to what the 
compiler produces. There are a number of language implementations - Racket 
included - which can embed their bytecode (as static data) into a native 
"runtime" program which executes it.
 Is there a book/paper that I might read on this?
Unfortunately, language implementation is a very large subject area. If you 
want to understand why things are being done a certain way, you need to 
understand the ways that they *could be* done and what trade-offs are involved 
in using various methods.

Little understood fact: all languages actually are defined by a *virtual* 
abstract machine. This is the reason that languages can be implemented on many 
different real-world CPUs: it is the abstract machine that defines the 
language's behavior, and it is the abstract machine - not some CPU - that is 
the *real* compilation target.
[For those about to object: yes, Scheme has a formal denotational definition in 
contrast to the many languages that are operationally defined by (relatively) 
informal description of behavior combined with a "reference" implementation. 
Consider that Scheme's denotational spec is describing the behavior of an 
abstract machine, and that Scheme implementations are realizations of the 

To get a sense of what is going on under the hood, you need to learn a bit 
about hardware, and a lot about compilers and interpreters. Particular language 
features often can be implemented in multiple ways, and the choices made for 
various features often affect how harmoniously they can coexist.

If you really are serious about learning this stuff, I'm sure we can keep you 
busy reading for a while.

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