Hello there,

  Two things:

- I noticed a doubling of executable file sizes (from 30MB to 70MB for 
racket/gui with embedded libs, Windows) between Racket 7.9 (non-CS) and 
Racket 8.0 (CS). Because of this, startup times from network drives also 
doubled (from 5 to 10s for gui programs when using CS). I had to revert to 
7.9 non-CS for now;

- Because of this, I have been trying to reduce file sizes to a minimum. I 
tried replacing racket/gui by a minimal list of requires to no avail. I 
tried using the raco demod function to demodularize, but it seems to be 
broken on recent version of Racket (anything beyond hello world will quit 
prematurely, racket/gui programs won't run at all). I tried GitHub - 
bluerider/flattener: Source Code Level Flattener for PLT Racket 
<https://github.com/bluerider/flattener> without success (seems broken as 
well). I also tried compressing executables with UPX, but it also breaks 

  Does anybody know of a way to reduce final Racket executable file sizes / 
flatten / demodularize while keeping gui functionality ?


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