At Tue, 14 Sep 2021 01:54:44 -0400, George Neuner wrote:
> Is there a list somewhere of which chips have successfully run Racket?
> Or a definitive statement of what ISA is targeted?

For Racket CS, there's a list here:

Granted, that's not the most visible place. That location makes sense
when the Racket branch of Chez Scheme is extracted to its own repo, but
probably the documentation should have it's own list or link to that

For Racket BC, the question is murkier. Racket BC should run on any
platform with a C compiler and enough libraries, although having the
right configuration can be an issue. So, historically, Racket BC is
meant to work on all platforms (misconfiguration treated a bug), and
that's why there hasn't been a list. For the JIT, there's a list in the

That list could be improved because, as you say, "32-bit ARM" is not
really descriptive enough. It should say something like "ARMv4 and up",
and it should clarify that Windows ARM is not supported (where I expect
that it's more than a matter of configuration to support Windows, and
32-bit Windows ARM seems to be rare, anyway).

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