I am silly. This vestigial code is still in OpenStudio, for "Radiance Classic" 
calcs with a continuous sky:

catCommand = "cat"
if /mswin/.match(RUBY_PLATFORM) or /mingw/.match(RUBY_PLATFORM)
 catCommand = "type"

system("#{catCommand} ./numeric/#{space_name}.map | rtrace #{rtrace_args} …")

In this case, this really seemed to be the most direct way in. In any event, 
!type would be the true one-for-one replacement for !cat when porting Mark's 
scene to windoze. 

- Rob

On Jun 27, 2013, at 6:21 PM, Gregory J. Ward <gregoryjw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Side note on the use of "!cat"  I often see things like this:
> !cat input1.rad input2.rad | xform -ry 20
> Which is completely silly.  Why not just use:
> !xform -ry 20 input1.rad input2.rad
> Even if you are going to a program that expects input on stdin, you can 
> redirect it instead:
> !fussy_program < input | second_program etc...
> I've seen almost no one use cat for a reason in a Radiance file.  (No offense 
> Mark, as I haven't even looked at yours!)
> Cheers,
> -Greg
>> From: "Randolph M. Fritz" <randolph...@panix.com>
>> Date: June 27, 2013 5:04:11 PM PDT
>> Randolph M. Fritz <randolph+LD@...> writes:
>>> Has anyone got this going?
>>> (Yes! I have managed to get it built and installed. No, I have no idea 
>>> if it is actually working. More, later, when I've tested the thing.)
>> I am pleased to be able to say that I have been able to get the simulation,
>> though not the timing part, of this benchmark running.  There is no "time"
>> command in the native Windows environment, and I don't yet know how to use
>> similar commands in the Windows Power Shell.  Looking hopeful, though of
>> course I have not yet seen the output.
>> Mark Stock, if you're reading, would you like my cross-platform changes to
>> the .rad files?  Windows, of course, does not have a "cat" command, which
>> means that "!cat" has to be replaced with "!xform".
>> Randolph
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