Rob Guglielmetti <rob.guglielmetti@...> writes:

> I am silly. This vestigial code is still in OpenStudio, for "Radiance
Classic" calcs with a continuous sky:
> catCommand = "cat"
> if /mswin/.match(RUBY_PLATFORM) or /mingw/.match(RUBY_PLATFORM)
>  catCommand = "type"
> end
> system("#{catCommand} ./numeric/#{space_name}.map | rtrace #{rtrace_args} …")

boy, was that last remark off-target.  

I don't understand how that code can work?  Does something in that
implementation of "system" convert slashes to backslashes?

Anyhow, in this case, could one just perhaps divert rtrace's input?

  system("rtrace #{rtrace_args} < ./numeric/#{space_name}.map")

Or would that fail?

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