Good that you tracked this down, but as you say, we still have the rumored 
issue with binary data we need to sort out.

Regarding Microsoft (by analogy):

Power to the monopolies!


> From: Georg Mischler <>
> Subject: Re: [Radiance-dev] Pipe problems on Windows - BUG in Universal CRT
> Date: March 27, 2016 6:21:27 AM PDT
> Keep talking to myself...
> The MS feedback site has those entries
> both of which seem to describe incarnations of our problem.
> In the first one, a MS person added a comment saying:
>  We have fixed this bug; the fix will be present in an upcoming
>  update to the Universal CRT.
> So all hope is not lost.
> -schorsch
> Am 2016-03-27 14:31, schrieb Georg Mischler:
>> I've sent feedback to Microsoft, we'll see what happens.
>> For anyone who wants to check the weirdness on their own:
>> sender.c
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> #include <stdio.h>
>> #define MAX_TESTLINES 20000
>> int main(void)
>> {
>>  int i;
>>  for (i = 0; i < MAX_TESTLINES; i++) {
>>    fprintf_s(stdout, "x\n");
>>  }
>>  return 0;
>> }
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> receiver.c
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> #include <stdio.h>
>> #define MAX_BUF 10
>> int main(void)
>> {
>>  int i = 0;
>>  char inbuf[MAX_BUF];
>>  while (fgets((char*)&inbuf, MAX_BUF, stdin)) {
>>    if (inbuf[1] != '\n') {
>>      fprintf_s(stdout, "Line ending omitted from stream on line %d:
>> \"%s\"\n", i++, &inbuf);
>>    }
>>    i++;
>>  }
>>  return 0;
>> }
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> Invoke the two programs in a console as:
>> $ sender | receiver
>> With bug present, the output will be something similar to:
>> Line ending omitted from stream on line 2730: "xx
>> "
>> Line ending omitted from stream on line 5461: "xx
>> "
>> Line ending omitted from stream on line 8192: "xx
>> "
>> Line ending omitted from stream on line 10923: "xx
>> "
>> Line ending omitted from stream on line 13654: "xx
>> "
>> Line ending omitted from stream on line 16385: "xx
>> "
>> Have fun!
>> -schorsch
>> Am 2016-03-27 10:38, schrieb Georg Mischler:
>>> Good thing I tested with fgetline() before starting to roll my own
>>> fgets(). The suspicion I had from stepping through fgets() was
>>> confirmed, and it's actually the underlying stream that's broken.
>>> Plugging our own buffering text stream might be theoretically
>>> possible, but is probably not worth the effort.
>>> So pending a fix from Microsoft, we need to consider Visual Studio
>>> 2015 in default settings as unsuitable for production use.
>>> Microsoft seems to be quite proud of having massively refactored their
>>> C/C++ runtime libraries for Windows 10 into what they call the
>>> "universal crt". And that new version of the CRT is now included in VS
>>> 2015.
>>> I'll try and see if (and how) I can link to an older CRT instead, but
>>> I'm not very optimistic there.
>>> The bug is slightly obscure. It only happens very intermittinlgy and
>>> at seemingly random intervals. You need to pass a largish number of
>>> very short text lines through a pipe to trigger it, and even then
>>> you may only notice the problem if you happen to count the lines.
>>> Sending a sequence of numerals simplifies that...
>>> Of course that's not really an excuse for a multi-billion-dollar
>>> corporation breaking one of the most basic building blocks of
>>> eventually all of their software products. I'm actually wondering if
>>> such a possibility to "manipulate" the contents of an interprocess
>>> data stream (eg. by changing the default buffer length) has any
>>> security implications.
>>> This drastically shows the value of having an extremely complete and
>>> thorough battery of test cases before you start with any major
>>> refactoring.
>>> -schorsch
>>> Am 2016-03-27 00:28, schrieb Gregory J. Ward:
>>>> I agree this is probably not the error we have seen before, though it
>>>> is an important one.  We might think about writing an fgets()
>>>> replacement for Windows, rather than using fgetline(), which has
>>>> slightly different semantics.  We should replace it at the library
>>>> level, so it will propagate to all potentially affected tools.  It's
>>>> hard to believe that such a simple, basic function call would be
>>>> broken in this way....
>>>> Good sleuthing, Schorsch!
>>>> -G
>>>>> From: Georg Mischler <>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Radiance-dev] Pipe problems on Windows
>>>>> Date: March 26, 2016 3:20:09 PM PDT
>>>>> It looks like we're dealing with a broken fgets() included
>>>>> with Visual Studio 2015 Community edition.
>>>>> When a newline character falls exactly to the end of the
>>>>> pipe buffer, it will be ignored. This means that instead of
>>>>> "\t1328\n" the received string will be "\t1328\t1329\n".
>>>>> Any time that happens, nrecs is only incremented once for
>>>>> two actual input values, which accounts for the lower nuber
>>>>> of output values in the end.
>>>>> Guess I'll have to try if our own fgetline() has better success.
>>>>> But again, this is probably not the "garbage date from binary
>>>>> pipe" problem that we were previously discussing. We should still
>>>>> look for test cases to identify that one.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> -schorsch
>>>>> Am 2016-03-25 15:35, schrieb Georg Mischler:
>>>>>> Moving this to a seperate thread.
>>>>>> The sequence below consistently gives me 703 on Vista, with the only
>>>>>> difference that the DOS box asks for double quotes.
>>>>>> But...
>>>>>> turning up n to values beyond 2000, the MSC binary of rcalc begins to
>>>>>> write(!) some bytes less(!) to stdout. Which obviously falsifies the
>>>>>> result of the chain.
>>>>>> Interesingly, the NREL binary doesn't do that.
>>>>>> Rob mentioned using gcc, so there seems to be a disagreement between
>>>>>> the two compilers as to the semantics of writing to stdout on program
>>>>>> termination.
>>>>>> Going to have some discussion with the debugger on this one.
>>>>>> I'd only be too happy if a simple flush() would solve the problem...
>>>>>> Ah, and first I should probably create a few test cases to cover this
>>>>>> kind of bug.
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> -schorsch
>>>>>>>> I've searched for similar complaints online. In the few instances I've
>>>>>>>> found, it usually was because a terminating null byte wasn't written
>>>>>>>> to the receiving buffer for some reason. The purportedly received
>>>>>>>> garbage data was then simply the previous random contents of that
>>>>>>>> buffer. That may or may not be the cause here as well.
>>>>>>>> If there really was an inherent problem with using pipes on Windows,
>>>>>>>> then I'm sure I would have found a lot more information about it.
>>>>>>> Well, in our case, it's not about null bytes not being sent -- it's
>>>>>>> about knowing exactly when we've reached end-of-data, which we expect
>>>>>>> the system to tell us in some cases.  Radiance's binary formats for
>>>>>>> octrees, ambient files, pictures, etc., we know when we've reached EOD
>>>>>>> regardless because the file header tells us how much to expect.
>>>>>>> However, when we're sending binary streams of floats to rcalc, which
>>>>>>> is simply operating on them and counting on the OS to stop sending
>>>>>>> data when it's out of data, we run into trouble if the OS doesn't tell
>>>>>>> us exactly when the party is over.
>>>>>>> I suppose a simple test would be something like:
>>>>>>>         cnt 37 | rcalc -of -e '$1=recno' | total -if
>>>>>>> This should give us a value of 703, or n*(n+1)/2 for any n (i.e.,
>>>>>>> 37*(37+1)/2==703).  We could try running the above on a Windows box
>>>>>>> with a FAT or ExFAT filesystem to determine if this is a problem or
>>>>>>> not.  We should probably try it with some large numbers as well, being
>>>>>>> aware that we end on a 128-byte boundary when n is a multiple of 32.
>>>>>>> We can also try it while writing with an intermediate file between
>>>>>>> rcalc and total, to see if that makes any difference.

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