I believe that Mephisto uses the acts_as_attachment plugin (which
works *great* by the way), and you can set this plugin to store
attachments in either the file system or in the database. While
waiting for a real solution for the images issue in Radiant, I hacked
together a rich text version of Radiant using this plugin. My client
has been using it for 2 months now without a single problem.

On 9/1/06, Luis Lavena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/1/06, John W. Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Nicholas Mulder [Mulder Consulting] wrote:
> > > For fun I installed Mephisto yesterday.  Wow is it cool for a blogging
> > > app.  (http://mephistoblog.com/)
> > >
> > > Mephisto's Asset management systems is as they claim it is, 'probably
> > > the best you'll find in any CMS/Bloggin application'.   All I can say is
> > > wow, they have Buckets!
> >
> > Once we have a robust plugin system going I would love to see someone
> > create an asset management solution similar to Mephisto's. I'm not sure
> > if buckets trump the idea for attachments, but it is definitely causing
> > me to rethink my previous ideas about assets.
> >
> > > Looking at both Radiant and Mephisto I can see two very similar apps
> > > heading in two different directions.  Just wondering if for some of the
> > > 'lower level' stuff like comments, asset management, etc. is it worth
> > > 'sharing'?  I would just hate to see a competition to see who's is
> > > better when working together could potentially make both better.
> >
> > That would probably be up the the plugin authors (and the Mephisto
> > people). But I do think it would be great if code could be shared.
> >
> John,
> The Mephisto style for assets sounds good, but plain or direct use of
> their code could be difficult.
> They store the assets on the file system, on contrary that your desire
> to leverage only on DB to distribute everything for Radiant.
> Maybe the way they choose to use it could change your mind.
> --
> Luis Lavena
> Multimedia systems
> -
> Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort,
> which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that
> is worthwhile.
> Vince Lombardi
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