Giovanni Intini wrote:
> 1) Export / Import parts of the tree. I work on customers' websites on
> subtrees of the main site, it would be great to be able to export those
> subtrees so I could import them into a new installation and have the site
> work fine.

Better export and import code is in the pipeline. I'm not sure if it 
will be as granular as you suggest above, but I am definitely open to 
the possibility.

> 2) More user roles. Once a site is finished I would like to give users a 
> way to access it and only post content in certain sections.

I currently have no plans to support this level of granularity.

> 3) Multisite radiant. I saw on the wiki there is a nice way to have radiant
> work with multiple sites, but that way I have to be the only one who can
> edit the sites, because giving admin access to a user automatically gives
> him the permission to edit pages in the other sites.

I need this and several others have asked for it. Yes, I would like to 
implement it.

> 4) Move and rearrange the Pages/Layouts. This is just a minor annoyance but
> would be nice :)

Agreed. There have been a few patches submitted for this. I'm not sure 
of their present status though.

John Long
Radiant mailing list

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