> 1) those page parts, which logically could be "inherited" from a sort
> of "template" page (which has all the parts and their content as
> required), should be the default, but just for a branch of the site
> tree, for example for the "/blog" one, and not for the entire site;  
> how
> can I do this?

This isn't currently possible, but page templates would be a great  
feature that I may tackle as corex/APS2 evolves.

Either add more info to page_types or habtm page_templates,  
specifying "default" layouts for the page. Plus have a  
page_part_types-esque popup when someone clicks "add child", default  
inheriting from the parent? Something like that

Would also be great to have Easy Buttons somewhere for "new blog  
post" or "new clothing item" that post a preprogrammed page_type/ 
page_template & parent_id. This is adding a lot of tabs to the top  
though! :)

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