> I finally think that a good solution would be to provide an API
> through XML-RPC, like others already do.  This would be real
> luxury :-).  Maybe it's non-trivial, but at least I won't be alone to
> use it...  so hopefully not alone for achieving it!

I'm actually quite interested in implementing the atom publishing protocol, and 
have been thinking a lot about how radiant's model of what constitutes a page 
can be mapped to atom entries. 

Then main issue is radiant's concept of page parts (which ironically enough is 
the reason why the admin interface needs javascript and the reason for this 
thread starting) - but there's many ways in which parts could be mapped to atom 
collections. I take it that wordpress/movable type/other blogging platforms 
don't have a similar concept, which is why we don't line up with the rest - 
perhaps only the 'content' parts get exposed through the atom entry.... it's a 
little bit of a clash of schemas.

Until I start seeing gui clients implementing the APP, it's not easy to see how 
to map radiant to atom so that it's usable, but it probably wont stop be 
geeking out on it sometime in the not too distant future.


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