I wrote one of the first extensions for this, but kind of dropped it  
as I was in Central America for a month and have yet to pick it up  

For me at least, centralized assets are much better. I don't want to  
have to hunt through each page to find a photo. The bucket idea seems  
like the easiest way to insert an image. Steal from the best and all.

This is basically how I envisioned it.. do you have anything ready to  

On Feb 24, 2007, at 6:21 AM, Nathan Wright wrote:

> On Fri, 23 Feb 2007 19:55:04 -0700, Chris Parrish
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Sounds good.  I'm looking forward to playing with this.  I can see it
>> being very useful (though I share John's distaste for using WYSIWYG
>> editors) for my customers.
> Ditto. How have you persuaded them to use something else? Mind  
> altering
> drugs, perhaps? ;) Mine have always been convinced that they need  
> to use
> dreamweaver to manange their hundreds of pages ... I figured that  
> Radiant
> with a WYSIWYG was the lesser of two evils.
>> Are you willing to provide any details on the asset management  
>> piece you
>> are working on?  I've read about what the others are doing on and  
>> none
>> of the approaches seems quite "right" for my needs.
> I think that John believes that assets should belong to a page  
> rather than
> being more universal in nature, but I honestly think that this may
> complicate things too much for the average user.
> In my system all assets are available to all pages. You add those  
> assets
> (be they images, pdfs, whatever) to your bucket (yes, I'm shamelessly
> ripping off Mephisto's buckets), and then you simply click on them to
> insert them into your page.
> The insert behavior is "smart". If you are inserting an image, it will
> insert an image tag into the page. This tag differs depending on the
> filter applied to the page ... if you have no filter applied, or if  
> you
> have my WYSIWYG applied, a basic <img ...> will be inserted into  
> the page;
> if you use markdown you'll get a ![alt text](/path/to/img.jpg  
> "Title") ...
> you get the idea.
> If you try to insert a PDF, mp3, etc. into the page (or something else
> that can't be directly viewed by the browser) the insert behavior will
> stuck a link into the page instead. Like above, the precise form of  
> this
> link will depend on the filter that is applied to the page.
> In short, I think that inserting an asset into a page should be a  
> simple
> procedure ... the user shouldn't have to think about the markup  
> required
> to insert it.
> Since most assets are likely to be images, I want to make it easy  
> for the
> user to resize those images to suit their needs. The URL of the image
> determines the size of the image, and the image can only be resized  
> from
> the admin side of things. I'm still working out the details of how  
> all of
> this will work, but I've got a basic system in place that seems to  
> work
> well. It still hits the database to determine if an asset matching the
> size parameters exists ... I need to work that out yet to minimize the
> database load.
> Is this at all like what you're looking for? What are your ideas on  
> the
> matter?
> --
> Nathan Wright
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