
I'm soooo new to Ruby and Rails and wanted to try radiant on my media
temple server.

Can somebody in here help me? I'm stuck. MT provides instructions on how
to set up radiant.

Which is nice. Except when you get stuck and there's nobody to help you.

Here's their document/instructions:

Step 8 says to run a script.

This is the command: ../script/setup_database production

Run it how?! When one types this command into Termial, one gets a
massive error! Does anybody know if I need to go to a specific directory
before I run this command? If yes, does anybody know where I must go and
what such a command would look like in Terminal?

I'm close, I just know it, but I cannot get this to work.

I have logged in and logged out a million times, and googled, and tried
everything I can to get help.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you!

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