Hello all!

Okay, now that I have most of my other problems worked out, I've ran 
into a new issue. It appears that after so long of being up and running, 
I suddenly start receiving 'Apache' errors for certain pages of my site 
(But not all.) Sometimes just 1 page, other times up to 10+. I try 
restarting the dispatcher with touch. Tried killing the dispatchers. 
Nothing worked. It seemed like something 'stuck' between instances. It 
doesn't affect any of the admin portion of Radiant at all, only specific 
pages (And it is random as well.) It tends to happen to my currently 
heavily-viewed pages most frequently, but isn';t limited. (Chance of 
failure seems directionally proportional to number of visits to the 
page.) Using these ideas, I had the thought that there is a cache issue. 
I headed into /admin/pages/ and cleared the cache. Eureka! Back up! Out 
of the 10-12 times this has happened, this has worked every time. The 
one time it didn't, all I had to do was touch dispatch.fcgi and that 
cleared it up.

Question: Why would viewing cached pages cause the cache a chance to 
corrupt? Another question: Until this bug is worked out, is there a way 
we can do a shell cronjob to manually clear the cache every so often 
manually? During the day (and sleepytime too) I can't babysit my site, 
and it'd be nice to clear the cache through a cronjob once in a while to 
make sure this issue hasn't happened. I do suspect either Radiant or 
Ruby on Rails is the culprit of this one, but not sure how to figure it out.

As well, for those who may or may not have been following my previous 
emails, I had a severe memory leak issue. I cured it by preventing 
Radiant/Ruby on Rails from managing ANY server-side file requests 
through the .htaccess. That killed most of my issues. The problem still 
at hand however, is that my memory does slowly creep up still (Slower, 
but still quiet noticable.) throughout the day. Any ideas what this 
might be?

Thanks all again!
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