I'm getting the same problem(see below) with radiant 0.6.2 on
dreamhost... someone is getting something like this?

On 5/13/07, Andrew Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all!
> Okay, now that I have most of my other problems worked out, I've ran
> into a new issue. It appears that after so long of being up and running,
> I suddenly start receiving 'Apache' errors for certain pages of my site
> (But not all.) Sometimes just 1 page, other times up to 10+. I try
> restarting the dispatcher with touch. Tried killing the dispatchers.
> Nothing worked. It seemed like something 'stuck' between instances. It
> doesn't affect any of the admin portion of Radiant at all, only specific
> pages (And it is random as well.) It tends to happen to my currently
> heavily-viewed pages most frequently, but isn';t limited. (Chance of
> failure seems directionally proportional to number of visits to the
> page.) Using these ideas, I had the thought that there is a cache issue.
> I headed into /admin/pages/ and cleared the cache. Eureka! Back up! Out
> of the 10-12 times this has happened, this has worked every time. The
> one time it didn't, all I had to do was touch dispatch.fcgi and that
> cleared it up.

Sylvestre Mergulhão - Free Software Development
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