Hi Sean,

This is what I have in mind for it right now.  I didn't want to propose 
anything in the first email so that I wouldn't bias people :)

Given the Rails philosophy, this 'workaround' assumes a few things - 
let's call it convention over configuration :D

1. I was thinking that it should be possible to maintain a list of 
languages that are currently available in the system.  I'm not sure what 
would be the best place for this (either the DB or YAML or config or 
something) but let's not get bogged down by that yet.  So, we have a 
file that has a list of languages that are supported = [TH, EN, CN, MY, 
ES, JP, KR, ..]

2. Now, we ensure that every article that is created in a different 
language has the same name in every language but it is in a different 
'subsite' so to speak.  So, you have
   /hello_world  <- main english site (primary language)
   /es/hello_world <- Espanol
   /my/hello_world <- malay

3. When we render a page, first we extract the base name of the page 
[hello_world] above.  Then, when we render the 'language bar' for a 
page, we go through the list of supported languages and try to look for
  /th/hello_world, /cn/hello_world, /my/hello_world, ... and 
/hello_world (for the main site)
If the find URL succeeds, we render a link for it.

4. Additionally, we could have a piece of JavaScript that checks to see 
if the name that you are adding exists in another language when you add 
it in - and alerts you if it does.  That gives you a visual check if 2 
articles have similar names or if you expected that this is a 
translation for another article and you got the name slightly wrong.

What do you think?  I have no idea what kind of performance constraint 
this might impose.

That's my first thought.  Now I have to think of going about 
implementing it if it seems like the way forward.

9/10/2007 | 10:08 PM.

Sean Cribbs wrote:
> Interesting problem.  No, the language-redirect behavior/extension
> reads the preferred language sent by your browser and sends the user
> to a whole different subsite based on that language.  Multiple
> language support in Radiant is still very nascent; we'd love to hear
> some ideas or see some unique solutions.
> Sean
> On 9/10/07, Mohit Sindhwani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> In my site [currently being tried out at http://tec.onghu.com ] that is
>> powered by Radiant, I have a number of articles and news pieces.  For
>> some of them, translations in other languages exist.  In those cases,
>> when I display the article, I would like to show a link to the same
>> article in a different language.
>> So, if I have the article in English, Thai and Chinese, and you are
>> viewing the English version, I'd like to also show in the "Language
>> Bar", the option to "View this article in [Thai] | [Chinese]".  If
>> you're viewing it in Thai, it would show "View this article in [English]
>> | [Chinese]"
>> Do you have any recommendation on how I should go about this?  I don't
>> think this exactly maps to the 'Language Redirect Behaviour' but if it
>> does, I'd like to be corrected.
>> Thanks,
>> Mohit.
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