I believe that this is because of a bug in rails, and not radiant.   
The SiteController has session :off, and adding session :on in your  
controllers doesn't seem to do anything.

The only way I know to change this is to actually go into  
SiteController and comment out that line.  I've seen posts about  
putting things like:

SiteController.class_eval{session :on}

in the activate method of your extension, but that didn't work for me.

To get it to work, I did froze to edge radiant, then went into  
SiteController.rb and commented out the session line.  This would mean  
that any pages that you want sessions off for you'd have to do  
manually - so use with caution.


On Nov 16, 2007, at 9:51 PM, Maged Makled wrote:

> Hey all,
>        I know this discussion has taken place before but I still can't
> get my hands around it. I'm using radiant with the Rails_support
> extension which works great with radiant for the content. The  
> problem is
> when I try to use the session inside that app in the extensions, The
> session doesn't hold any data.  The session that comes with radiant  
> only
> get stuff written to it when I try to access the radiant admin app.
> Does any one have a solution for that or even a way around it. I  
> really
> appreciate the help.
> Thanks
> Maged
> -- 
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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