I haven't dealt with that before, but if I were to do it, I would:
Determine what I meant by expired (let's say 3 days for example)
Write a rake task that deletes the session
Write a cron script to run it nightly after the database backup

My rake task would probably look like:

namespace :db
   namespace :sessions
     task :delete => :environment do
CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore::Session.delete_all(['created_at < ?',  

My cron script would look something like this:

mkdir -p /var/backup/mysql
date=`date "+%d"`
mysqldump -ubackup -pmypass myapp_production | gzip > /var/backup/ 
cd /var/www/apps/myapp/current && rake db:sessions:delete

Alternately, you could have it run every time an admin logs in  
(assuming that your admins don't mind the slight performance hit)


On Nov 16, 2007, at 11:54 PM, Maged Makled wrote:

> Jeff Dean wrote:
>> Here's what I did:
>> gem install --include-dependencies radiant
>> radiant myapp
>> cd myapp
>> [change database.yml]
>> rake db:bootstrap
>> rake radiant:freeze:edge
>> rake radiant:update
>> rake db:migrate
>> [create extension...]
>> Now you'll have a full copy of radiant's source code in your vendor/
>> radiant directory.  Now go to
>> vendor/radiant/app/controllers
>> You'll see site_controller.rb (which I mistakenly referred to as
>> SiteController.rb below) - comment out line 2, and sessions will now
>> be enabled for the whole app.  If you've previously started your web
>> server, you may have to restart for the changes to take effect.
>> There are much more elegant solutions, I'm sure, but this one worked
>> for me.  If you have a problem with edge radiant this might not work.
>> If that happens, let me know.
> Hey Jeff,
>         Thanks a lot man, I tried it and it works perfectly.  Just one
> more question. Do you know how to delete that session from the  
> database
> when the session expired. I read some posts and they talked cron jobs
> and things like that but I needed to be handled in my application. Do
> you have a quick solution?
> I really appreciate your help man
> Maged
> -- 
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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