On Dec 22, 2007, at 2:08 PM, Maged Makled wrote:
> It didn't give me any errors in the console and I restarted the server
> That's what the console looks like preparing my submit
> **
> Processing AutoController#auto (for at 2007-12-22 13:58:21)
> [POST]
>  Session ID: a0297b2553d2c1ab1c7b036fcb6782af
>  Parameters: {"commit"=>"Next", "action"=>"auto",
> "contact"=>{"address1"=>"", "city"=>"", "work_phone"=>"",
> "license_state"=>"", "address2"=>"", "zip"=>"",
> "birth_date(1i)"=>"2007", "birth_date(2i)"=>"12",
> "birth_date(3i)"=>"22", "country"=>"USA", "cell_phone"=>"",
> "marital_status"=>"Single", "home_phone"=>"", "middle_initial"=>"E",
> "first_name"=>"", "last_name"=>"Makled", "social_number"=>"",
> "email"=>"", "driver_license"=>"", "state"=>""}, "controller"=>"auto"}

What does the code look like in your controller for saving the model?

Can you try this with script/console and see if you get an error:

 >> c = Contact.new
 >> c.save!

John Long
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