First off, what I have done so far in Radiant has been pretty inspiring.
I usually hate CMS solutions due to their inflexibility.  The super
simple Radiant extension is a huge selling point for me.  I intend to
use a Radiant install as the base for projects since it gives me
publishing, admin authentication, and admin architecture for almost no
effort.  I'm pretty experienced with Rails, but new to Radiant.

Maintaining layouts and snippets in the admin interface via text area is
so much less fun than editing these things in Textmate.  My current
workflow is to use the "It's all text" Firefox plugin to edit text area
contents in Textmate.  It's not so bad, but I have switch to the browser
and press the save button, then switch to my tab with the radiant app
and refresh to see my changes.  Its far more tedious than the usual
cmd-s, cmd-tab, F5 I'm used to.  Page content would change far more
frequently and is a good fit for the database, in my opinion.  Plus the
regular, non-technical, maintainers of the site probably shouldn't have
access to changing layouts and snippets anyway.

So, I am looking for a way to store site structure files in the file
system, version controlled and in a higher level template language like
erb or haml.  Then store page content in the database in radius format
just like normal.

Is there an extension for that?  Or is that even a good idea?

Thanks for the great tool,
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