
Yes some WymEditor + paperclipped combination could be really cool. I've never really used WymEditor for any of my clients.. but I've tried both Markdown and a tightly configured TinyMCE (which would be pretty close to WymEditor). With Markdown I've seen that the content remains largely unstyled, the client eg. just used UPPERCASE-letters for headings and so on... maybe a Markdown-toolbar would help stimulate the usage of Markdown-code? With the TinyMCE solution again stuff got marked up a bit inconsistently, and often using <strong> for some headings, even though it didn't cause quite the mess that a normal 'liberal' WYSIWYG would have.

My guess is that using WymEditor would be a good way to give your customer a way to try and express what she's looking for, but chances are that you'll have to go in and clean up after her a few times... but along with that you could also try to agree with her on certain practices in the future, to retain consistency. I've been searching for the perfect solution for quite some time, but I've begun thinking that this last step of cleaning up and educating can't really be avoided if you want perfect results... we can just try to minimize this last task. Markdown+toolbar could also be something to try out, but I fear it might still be considered a bit too intimidating (and Textile I find even more intimidating).

Another thing that I've been thinking that could be suitable for some cases (but I haven't tried out) is in-place editing... but I don't know how well that'd fit into Radiant. And yes forms (using your own plug-in) or splitting content into many page parts could definitely also in some cases be the right solution... but in cases where we want to allow more flexibility, to allow the customer to structure their content more freely... we're probably better off going with some WymEditor-like solution + cleaning up and education.

Apart from the actual editing of content, it'd be really cool to find and easy way to hide some stuff in Radiant from the customer. Eg. some things such as the CSS and RSS things, and sometimes some page-parts. And maybe in some cases even the popup menus: layout, page type, status and filter.

  cheers, Simon
PS. I begun the search for the perfect solution to this in my thesis, if anyone's interested: http://simon.fi/en/thesis

On Nov 18, 2008, at 20:46 , Mohit Sindhwani wrote:

Casper Fabricius wrote:
However, I have a client whose content editor is very frustrated with the system. She can only just tolerate using Markup, and she refuses to write any kind of HTML - Radius tags falls into this category from her point of view. According to her, a proper CMS would hide all this "technical stuff" and provide custom forms for all types of content.

Casper, my "solution" would be to find a slightly more technical client :P
No, I'm joking (of course!)

Here's what I would recommend:
1. First, factor out as far as possible so that whatever is not page specific is in snippets. 2. If all she needs is a few styles of pages, I would create different page types or layouts. 3. Then tell her that the different parts that she wants need to go into different page parts. It would be cool if you could modify the "Add Child" behavior to allow you to select the kind of child page you want and then give you a blank page with all the different tabs created (page parts)... or it could be done with a bit of Javascript that detects when you change the Layout/ page and automatically adds in the different page parts? It could even be a special drop down box next to the Page Type that triggers the actions? 4. The problem: she still needs to use textile for some of the things, such as images. I'm not sure if the Textile Helper will help? It's been a while since I looked at it, but there's a hello world guide on my blog:
It could make some things easier for her, I hope... without going down the path of WYSIWIG.

If you do go down WYSIWIG, I hear good things about WymEditor - and Benny's on the list!

Of course, Casper, you are more experienced than I am. Do let us know what you eventually settle on :)

11/19/2008 | 2:45 AM.

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