Philip Hallstrom wrote:

On Jan 29, 2009, at 5:22 AM, Sean Cribbs wrote:

Hate to say it, but this sounds like a problem at the user level, not the tag. If you don't want filters being applied to certain text, Textile has a <notextile> tag that will prevent it. Markdown may have a similar feature.

Maybe. In my case I was looking at the syntax_highlighter extension[1]. When used with textile it doesn't do the right thing unless you add the <notexttile> tags around it. Which is very doable, but it would be cool if the <r:code>...</r:code> tag itself could figure that out and do it itself. Simplest to just have that tag always output it I suppose.


[1] I like the extension, but not pygments... no reason other than I don't want to have to install python so I was going to convert it to coderay or ultraviolet.


Mohit Sindhwani wrote:
Mohit Sindhwani wrote:
Philip Hallstrom wrote:
Hi everyone -

Working on an extension and it would be convenient for me if the tag could determine what if any filter was being applied to it's result.

I didn't see anything in the source (but also haven't mapped it all the way through). I saw one post on the mailing list from a year ago asking this, but didn't see any replies (

So... is it possible?

Yes, it is.  I just wrote this tag to try it out:
tag 'local:myfilter' do |tag|
  part ='body')
  myfilter = part.filter_id

On the other hand, I do not (yet) know how a tag could know which part includes it. :-S
Anyway, now that the question has come up, is there a way for a tag to know which page part is being rendered when it is called?

1/30/2009 | 2:05 AM.

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