Sean Cribbs wrote:

Sorry, I don't know how you can get around that issue, except to update your sites to 0.7.x. The other day, I updated to 0.7.0 and it is now significantly faster. I imagine you would encounter the same thing.

One note about that conversion - I upgraded from 0.6.4 to 0.7.0 and I had to manually replace boot.rb to get it to upgrade.

I'm not sure if you can just include your Radiant distribution into the vendor directory. I *just* had a problem with one of my sites (on Radiant 0.6.1 or 0.6.4) returning Rails application failed to start up. On running dispatch.fcgi at the command line, I saw that it was a problem with RubyGems not finding anything called require_gem.

In my case, the offending line was Line 28 of boot.rb that would do a require_gem with the version specified. (For some reason, the boot.rb does gem ... for requiring the Radiant gem when no version is specified but uses 'require_gem' when requiring a specific version).

After looking at a few things, I found that another site had the same setup and the only difference was that Radiant was included in the vendor/radiant directory. I copied it from one site to the other and volia! It works!

Sean may be able to suggest if that would indeed explain a fix, but either way, it's cheap to check.

2/18/2009 | 9:55 AM.

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