Hey guys. I wrote a vhost extension back in October that does what you're looking for... separate sites, separate admin interfaces, one install. I was holding it back because it runs something proprietary but finally my conscience wouldn't let me hold it back any more.


It was last updated in October of 2008, so it won't work with 0.7.0. I won't have time to update it soon, but please, fork away!

* Usernames and passwords are shared between sites (a good thing), but you choose which users have access to which sites. * You log in to example.com's admin interface by going to example.com/ admin and logging in. example2.com's admin is at example2.com/admin There is no interface to move between sites, and that's a good thing!
* Pages, layouts, and snippets are separate, not shared.
* You can have one catch-all (*) site.

* do more of a regular expression match (like multi_site?) so that the hostname doesn't have to match exactly.
* a better way than scoping?  many other extensions are not compatible


On Feb 16, 2009, at 8:25 AM, Bartee Lamar wrote:

Mr Magpie wrote:
Could you keep us posted on this forum.

I really would like to have this.  I have installed 0.7.0

I am going to hold off using this until I can get multi-sites and users.


Hey, I wouldn't want anyone to be holding their breath for me to do
I haven't even looked at the Radiant code base, and I'm quite pushed to
do anything non-essential at present. I could get by with one Radiant
install per customer for some time. I've got hungry mouths to feed.
Sorry if I gave the wrong impression.


No wrong impressions.. just hope.

I absolutely understand the "shoes for Baby" problem.

So I too will be using individual installs.

Thanks for you input and good luck on feeding the kiddies...

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