** Comments Inline **
On 27-Aug-09, at 7:00 AM, Kunal Shah wrote:

When you check out the project using git make sure you have the branch you need. The default behavior of git is to place you on master.

run git status

You can see all (local and remote) branches with git branch -a

Kunal Shah

On Aug 26, 2009, at 7:34 PM, Alexis Masters <alexismast...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello :-)
We have been trying to install the paperclipped extension using the branch marked radiant-0.7.1, but the version at this address seems to be 0.8:

Does anyone have the correct URL?

It is not a question of the correct URL. Just get the source and checkout the version you require... Do what Kunal has suggested. It should work.

Any other suggestions on how we might be able to upload images to a radiant site other than page_attachements would be appreciated. We use Page_attachments for the pages, but I'm using a little DHTML slideshow script that is not (and cannot be made to be) dynamic, and my clients need a simple way to upload and overwrite these images without using a separate FTP client.

* Snip *

As long as your DHTML script knows "where" to find the files and the filenames don't matter, you should be doing good :o).


Amol Hatwar
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