2009/9/9 María Paula Mariani <paulamari...@gmail.com>:
> Considering this, I've made a .tar.gz of my whole radiant directory,
> including /config. I would like to make that db:dump (which is the
> correct command?) to create the db backup but I don't know which
> command is it and which is the name of the database radiant is
> creating per default when we create a project.

you can find your database connection information inside the
config/database.yml file. you're probably most interested in the
production database settings; unless of course you have other
environments you'd like to backup.

for mysql you'll need to run a terminal command such as:
mysqldump -u mysql_user your_radiant_db_name > dump.mysql.db

mysqldump -u mysql_user -p your_radiant_db_name > dump.mysql.db

if the mysql_user requires a password to connect to the db.
see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/mysqldump.html for the full
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