On Sep 19, 2009, at 10:32 PM, Nate wrote:
Thanks for the updates, Travis.
Travis D. Warlick, Jr. wrote:
I stupidly had the recaptcha check failing silently with a simple warning. I've fixed this. Try updating both the and recaptcha recaptcha_mailer extensions and see if works or what error it gives in your logs.
I have updated both extensions. I am running 0.8.1 on my local machine, but according to the recaptcha site that shouldn't be a problem.
Also, here are a few notes:

* Make sure you have the recaptcha extension installed. (http://github.com/tekwiz/radiant-recaptcha-extension )
* You do not need to have the public_key defined in the tag unless you have chosen to not define it in your configuration/Settings.
OK, I defined it in my environment.
* You should not define the error attribute in the recaptcha tag that way. It is to override the _current_ error message. For safety, I have removed this attribute from the newest version of the recaptcha extension.
OK. How can I make it required for successful form submission? Captcha correctness/incorrectness doesn't affect the form either way.
* Verify that your keys are set correctly (Gottcha: make sure there are no spaces at the beginning or end of the string)
I checked and rechecked it, and I'm good there.

If I might make a feature request, I would really like to define which theme to render the captcha with. Even if I can't define a custom theme I'd like to be able to make a choice between the red, white and black themes.

Thanks again, Travis, for your help with this extension.


No problem, I want to make sure this works as well as possible for everyone. Spam sucks.

You don't need to require the recaptcha in any way. If the recaptcha plugin is installed, the mailer will always require it. I'll probably add a feature to disable the recaptcha for specific forms, but that'll be for one of the next versions. Are you receiving any errors? (btw, I have verified that it does work with 0.8.1).

I'll also work on that theme feature, too :-)

    Travis D Warlick, Jr
    Lead Developer - Operis Systems, LLC

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