HiI have a problem. I am new to radiant.
i have made a home page as root, articles as child and some posts as child
of articles.
I have following code in normal layout
You can check too as it is just a test : http://communiqs.com/admin and user
and pass are default still
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-us" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>
<head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <title>Demonstration</title> <link
rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheet" media="all" title="Default"
charset="utf-8"/> </head> <body> <r:snippet name="header">
<h1><r:title/></h1> <r:content/> </r:snippet> <r:snippet name="footer">
<r:content/> </r:snippet> <r:content/> </body> </html>

--------- and following code in home page-------
<div> <r:content part="central"/> <r:find url="/articles/">
<r:children:first order="desc" by="published_at"> <!--Display your entire
first post here--> </r:children:first> <r:children:each order="desc"
by="published_at" limit="4" offset="1"> <!--Display partial posts here (I
use a summary/excerpt page part) --> </r:children:each> </r:find> </div>
*Still i am not able to see the post ? why .. what can be done?*
*as well as i have created stylesheet layout too to use with styles page in
root but even the styles are not in effect... i tried many things.. but
maybe i am missing something core....*
*plsss help me asap.*
*Thanks community.*
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