On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 9:03 AM, Nate <pixeln...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Bhavin Patel wrote:
>> HiI have a problem. I am new to radiant.
> You are wrapping your title and content with snippet tags.
> <r:snippet name="header"><h1><r:title/></h1> <r:content/> </r:snippet>
> Whether you intended that or not, hat's not how snippets work. Snippets are
> self-contained blocks of content, defined in the snippets area of the admin.
> The snippet tags are not used to define areas of a page on the fly.

actually that is a perfectly valid way for snippets to work. for example:

page: <r:snippet name='title'><r:title/></r:snippet>
snippet: <h1><r:yield/></h1>
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