On 30 Jun 2010, at 02:04, Jim Gay wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Jeff Casimir <j...@casimircreative.com> 
> wrote:
>> I'd like to see radiant follow some of the footsteps from merb and
>> have two gems: radiant-core and radiant-more.  The 'radiant' gem would
>> <snip>
> To me, radiant-more would be the part that adds snippets, layouts,
> users, image/file management, stylesheet/javascript management, and
> perhaps other things.
> Other people might not see it that way, but by far one of the most
> popular questions I get about Radiant has to do with adding it to an
> rails app, rather than shoe-horning a rails app into it. The biggest
> sticking point is the User system.

I completely agree here, except that I think a page-management engine has to be 
able to work with layouts, and I'd like to see versioning in core. Then a -more 
gem could add:

- users
- assets
- snippets and js/css
- sites
- configuration
- dashboard

If it did that in a modular way that allowed areas of functionality to be 
omitted or supplanted:

        radiant.handle :images, :with => "DragonflyExtension"
        radiant.handle :authorization, :with => "RbacExtension"
        radiant.handle :dashboard, :with => "MyLocalExtension"
        radiant.unhandle :configuration

then radiant could realistically offer to drop in anywhere and manage pages for 
any app, which would be a splendid thing indeed.


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