I have just started using Radiant (which is just great, by the way),
so apologies in advance for what may be a very simple question: the
server log shows various 404s to image files: button.png and new-
snippet.png are two examples. My setup is on locahost, for testing, so
the 404 refers to (for example) this url: 
There are quite a few image files in /images/admin, but not
button.png. On the other hand, there is a new-snippet.png in the
images/admin directory, but I still get a 404 for that file as well.
These image files are not ones that I have created, so I'm not sure
what's going on. I do have some extensions installed (Chronicle, blog,
mailer, paperclipped, settings) and I don't know if these are a
factor. I have combed through all the css files I can find, and
nothing seems to point to these missing files.


Thanks in advance.

Ross Laird

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