Hello guys,

I'm really having troubles getting radiant running on my webhost (I'm
always getting Error 500). I'm trying it all last week now..
It would be great, if someone could give me instructions!

- I can't install gems myself, but they installed radiant, mysql etc for me.
- I can't set up vhosts but I bought an extra domain, which I can direct to
every directory in /home/USER/www
- I can set up symlinks
- "radiant -d mysql DIRECTORY" works fine also "bundle exec rake production
db:bootstrap", selecting username, password, etc .

- Now I'm not sure WHERE to install radiant: in /home/USER/ or
   either way, it doesn't work for me; but wouldn't it be more secure to
NOT install it in www but just symlink from there?!

- I think I don't know the right settings for the .htaccess and
environment.rb for getting my site running in the browser, how to redirect
the domain, and to which directory, etc ....

Please tell me, what I should take care of!
Thanks, Paul

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