On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 6:17 AM, goodluckpaul <goodluckp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello guys,


> - Now I'm not sure WHERE to install radiant: in /home/USER/ or
> /home/USER/www
>    either way, it doesn't work for me; but wouldn't it be more secure to NOT
> install it in www but just symlink from there?!

No, a soft link won't add any sort of security. The only reason to
symlink from a different directory would be for your convenience, and
if the symlink points to a different drive some servers (apache2) will
refuse to follow it.
As for what path to put it in, that's entirely dependent on your
server configuration. If you're running apache in a standard way, you
can probably dig around in /etc/apache2/ (if you have access) until
you find a config file where the path is set.

> - I think I don't know the right settings for the .htaccess and
> environment.rb for getting my site running in the browser, how to redirect
> the domain, and to which directory, etc ....

Can you stick those files in a gist or pastebin?

> Please tell me, what I should take care of!
> Thanks, Paul

What does the error say, what version of rails, ruby, bundler, etc.
are you using, any other useful information?

Sam Whited
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