-rw-r-----  1 root  wheel   15470156 Feb 28 23:59 detail.1999.02.gz
-rw-r-----  1 root  wheel   17094556 Mar 31 23:59 detail.1999.03.gz
-rw-r-----  1 root  wheel   17061311 Apr 30 23:59 detail.1999.04.gz
-rw-r-----  1 root  wheel  257358389 May 31 23:59 detail.1999.05
-rw-r-----  1 root  wheel   14702947 Jun  2 16:46 detail.1999.06

We have 2.5k dialup users.  Looks like about 8megs/day.  Looks like you'll
need much more than 2 20gig drives to keep a years worth :) (you'll need
that for just 2 months) Each month will eat nearly 30megs if our numbers

- Jason Godsey

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, ryanm wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am curious what size my daily logfiles will be with 10000+ logins
> a day. I am doing some capicity planning and want to add a couple
> disks to store logging info on. I would appreciate any average
> sizes you have. I have looked at the entries in the detail log
> and 1 login/logout is roughyl 800 bytes. I multiplies this out
> by 10000 and got 8,000,000 so I am assuming roughly 10 Megs a day?? 
> I plan on archiving these for up to a year for various reasons so 
> was hoping to get 2 20 gig Disks to do this. I also plan on using 
> some form of compression scheme.
> Thanks for any info anyone can get back to me,
> Thanks again,
> Ryan
> ===
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