In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Mike McCauley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Yes, its pretty easy, but the way to do it depends on what type of databse yo
|    u
| have. Basically what you need to do is set up a reply item for the user with
| eg:
|       Framed-IP-Address=

While we're on this, perhaps I could ask something relivant to me.

I have a MySQL db with > 4,000 users in it and Radiator is happily
authing and accounting to it.

However, as one of the table fields I have a misc_reply_items and I get
a copy Radius Reply packet for each user.

However, each user has exactly the same details (with the exception of about 5
records - for people with static IPs).

Is it possible to set a default Radius Reply list and have the db add to
this default list or to replace entries which may be there?

Email pgregg at |       CLUB24       | Email pgregg at    | 
Technical Director        |      INTERNET      | System Administrator       |
The Internet Business Ltd |    Free  Access    | Nyx Public Access Internet |      |  |         |

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